Litter Pick and Warm Hub News

Litter Pick:

The next litter pick will be this Sunday 29th January.
We will meet as usual at 10am outside Beechwood Hall for the traditional photo and distribution of equipment. All welcome.

For your diaries, here are the dates for the rest of the 2023 litter picks.

Spring: Sunday April 30th

Summer: Sunday July 30th

Autumn: Sunday October 29th

Warm Hub:

Warm Hub at Beechwood Hall was launched last November in response to the Cost of Living Crisis. After some monitoring (uptake, meeting people’s needs) the parish council has decided to stop running the weekly drop-ins in their current format. Workshops are instead likely to be scheduled, so that more purpose and benefit is offered to those attending. Watch this space for details out soon. Thank you to everyone who has helped bake, cook, serve, shop, open up, clean up, or joined us for an hour or so. It has been heartwarming to see our community come together yet again.